A woman who served in the US Navy claims that God told her to go AWOL, and she has since attempted to build an identity around her desertion.
Alowonza Brooks tells the story about her 2016 desertion from the US Navy, claiming she was serving aboard an aircraft-capable ship off the coast of Norway when she saw a man jump over the railing.
“I was in the Navy and went to work like any other day,” she wrote on her website. “Got there early and found my way to the flight deck. It was the end of June, so we would all gather outside on the top of the ship; the part where helicopters landed. As we were lining up I saw out of the right corner of my eye a man jumping ship. It was so real that I told my friend in front of me. I said, ‘I just saw a man jump.’”
Brooks reportedly had been hearing voices and seeing visions before going AWOL, and had taken the hallucination as a sign from God that she needed to go AWOL.
“I wake up to pray before work and the Lord speaks to me about what He said the day before,” she recounted. “As He speaks, I write and ask questions. 30 minutes later I have another Word – AWOL.”
Twenty-seven days later, she had given away all her possessions and decided to go AWOL.
“I had to be on the road by a certain day to make it to where God was sending me,” she wrote. “This became my confidence. My motivation. My foundation. My will to obey this was greater to me than my will to disobey. I couldn’t stay home. I couldn’t go to work anymore.”
Brooks’ bio states that she lives in Arizona and is retired from the US Navy. She has since begun writing a book about her experiences.
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