Veteran writes legendary response to person who left awful note on her car

Doctor Rebecca Landis Hayes

A female military vet created a perfectly crafted response — which she shared on social media — to a nasty note that was left on her car.

The note, which was left at the Coddle Creek shopping center in Concord, NC said: “This parking is for Veterans, lady. Learn to read & have some respect.”

Well Rebecca Hayes is most certainly a “lady,” but she’s also a lot of other things — including a US Navy vet who served this country for eight years and a medical doctor.

Her gracious response to this person who assumed she could not be a vet because of her sex, turned quite bitter at the end and rightly so.

Rebecca posted a picture of the note on her Facebook page, along with this response to the person who left it:

“I know I parked in one of the Veteran Parking spaces today, it was hot. I had been in and out of my car several times already this afternoon, and I was only going to be a minute. Besides, the parking lot was full, so I just did it. It was the first time, and I won’t do it again. I’m sorry…

I’m sorry that you can’t see my eight years of service in the United Sates Navy. I’m sorry that your narrow misogynistic world view can’t conceive of the fact that there are female Veterans. I’m sorry that I have to explain myself to people like you. Mostly, I’m sorry that we didn’t get a chance to have this conversation face to face, and that you didn’t have the integrity and intestinal fortitude to identify yourself, qualities the military emphasizes.  Which leads to one question, I served, did you?”

Rebecca told WBTV, her husband, a US Army vet, receives a much different reaction from the public. “He’s never gotten more than a ‘Thank you for your service’ when getting out of his vehicle.”

Rebecca believes someone left the note because she is a woman and didn’t fit the “stereotype” of a veteran in her business-casual attire.

She has one more message for the author of the note: “Veterans come in all shapes, sizes, genders and colors.”

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