Seoul, South Korea — According to U. S. Army W.T.F! moments, an unofficial Facebook forum that highlights some of the less newsworthy events affecting our Army servicemen, this scene was recorded just after midnight on New Year’s Day, in front of the very popular UN Club, dance hall and restaurant.
The negative attention comes at a time when South Korean officials are already hostile toward American soldiers, saying they are engaging in prostitution in Juicy Bars with young women from the Philippines and South Korea, further contributing to the growing problem. Officials speculate that prostitution in the Juicy Bars is linked to illegal sex trafficking; another growing concern by women’s rights advocates including My Sister’s Place.
“Three governments are to be blamed for their irresponsibility,” said Yu Young-nim, director of My Sister’s Place, a social service agency that helps Philippine bar girls forced into prostitution in South Korea. “The Philippine government for not working hard to create job opportunities for its poor people, the Korean government for not managing and controlling jobs [given to immigrants] and the U.S. government for neglecting its responsibility to supervise its soldiers and for not helping these victims.”
U.S. Forces in Korea have “banned service members from buying drinks for workers in “juicy bars,” which have long been suspected of involvement in prostitution and human trafficking”, according to reports. Over the last 2-5 years, the number of Juicy Bars have been reduced over the last two years and Seoul officials look toward reducing numbers consistently until they are all out of business.
The brawl between two groups of soldiers was unrelated to sex trafficking but did include alcohol. There was no further information regarding the cause of the upset.
There are currently 15 U. S. military installations in South Korea with approximately 30,000 U.S. military servicemen and women stationed in South Korea, the majority of whom do not fraternize in Juicy Bars.
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