Two Israeli soldiers jailed for kissing on a military base

Two female members of the Israeli Defense Forces were sentenced to time in the brig on Sunday after they were allegedly caught kissing at a military prison.

The two females were found in violation of the IDF’s modesty code after an officer reported seeing them kissing and engaging in public displays of affection.

The 2003 modesty code in question, according to, prohibits such displays by IDF soldiers of any sex or orientation.

One of the soldiers sentenced to 20 days (Ynetnews/IDF)

The incident took place in full view of other soldiers, and both soldiers were in uniform.

A battalion commander in charge of the tribunal determined the pair’s actions warranted a 20-day suspended sentence with a one-year probation period.

Despite being given a break on the issue, the couple refused to stop engaging in PDA while in uniform and were caught doing so last weekend, resulting in the 20-day suspended sentence being exchanged for 20 days of confinement.

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