Thieves steal fallen Marine’s medals from widow’s home

Christopher d. Bordini. Photo credit: Department of Defense

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Christopher Bordini died on April 3, 2012 from wounds sustained months earlier while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan.  For his courage and dedication, he was awarded the Purple Heart and Achievement Medal with Valor.  A cowardly thief stole these medals and others when robbing the home of his widow.

The Marine Corps Times reported that Jessica Bordoni discovered the break in when she arrived Wednesday evening at her North Carolina home and discovered that her back door and bedroom window were broken.  In addition to the missing medals, the thief or thieves took Christmas presents, jewelry, clothes and other items.  Also taken was Bordoni’s memorial rifle, specially ordered by his unit.

Bordoni’s father, Tim, said, “You don’t know what sentimental value there is to jewelry, but when you see medals, you know, medals came with a price.  It’s just unconscionable for someone to do that.”

Even though things are being done to replace the medals, the family is saddened by the fact that things will never be the same.

“The Purple Heart was pinned on Christopher’s bandages in the hospital just minutes before he died. The Marine Corps Achievement Medal of Valor was presented to the family just a couple hours after we laid him to rest,” his mother, Carol said.  “We just hope that whoever did this finds it in their heart to somehow get them back to the family.”

Tim said that news of the theft has been circulated on social media and publicized throughout the area, but so far no one had come forward with information.  He felt the incident was a grab-and-go robbery, probably by thieves looking for money to buy drugs.  The burglars left a large TV set, most likely because it was too large to easily and discreetly carry out of the house.

Christopher Bordoni grew up in Ithaca.  After graduating from Ithaca High School in 2008, he joined the Marine Corps and served two tours in Afghanistan.  In April 2011, he was deployed for the second tour and was expected to return home in the beginning of February 2012.

Hundreds of people attended his funeral.  His family dedicated the Chris Bordoni Fitness Trailhead at the Cayuga Waterfront Trail in his honor.

Jessica has since installed a security system.


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