Soldier’s girlfriend “breaks up” with him; he cries and says “military told him about this [Jody]”

A mean girlfriend from in California struck terror into the heart of her Army Reserve boyfriend, breaking up with him as a prank to get YouTube views.

The video was posted by Melina Bonnen, who shares a YouTube channel with her boyfriend, Specialist Antonio Russo of the 311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). The video took place on a drill weekend.

Bonnen set up an elaborate prank, explaining to her viewers that she had been acting cold and abrasive a few days prior to the day she planned to “break up” with Russo. Placing a camera in her closet, Bonnen called Russo and asked him to come speak to her personally about an important issue.

Russo -who Bonnen claims was leaving from “work”- arrived in uniform, complete with dirty white socks and a head of hair that made him look like a half-sheared lamb.

Plopping on the bed, Russo asked what was wrong, and Bonnen proceeded to break up with him.

With cold precision, Bonnen kept up the ruse, all while Russo broke down and started to cry. At one point, she tries to hold his hand.

“Don’t touch me if you’re gonna break up with me,” he said.

Russo then explained that the military warned him about such relationship mishaps, alluding to the existence of a “Jody.”

Eventually, Russo walks out, and Bonnen follows to tell him it was all a joke.

“It’s a prank,” she said.

“It’s not funny,” he responded.

You can watch the whole video on the Melina & Antonio YouTube Channel here.

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