Soldier’s car targeted in hate crime at Fort Hood

A non-commissioned officer at Fort Hood was shocked to find out he had become the victim of a hate crime.

On December 23, SSG Jonathon Charlot went to his car to find that it had been vandalized with a racist death threat. The hateful words, “Die Nigger” were spray painted on the side of his 2009 Nissan Sentra. All four of the car’s tires were slashed and gasoline was poured all of the interior.

SSG Jonathon Charlot’s car was spray painted with a racist death threat, tires were slashed, and gasoline was poured on the interior. (GoFundMe)

The event happened at the 3rd Cavalry Regiment’s headquarters parking lot, Charlot told reporters.

“Although racism still exists in this country, I never thought I would realize this kind of hatred personally,” said Charlot’s friend, John Martinez, who started a GoFundMe page to help recoup the restoration costs.

Charlot has not been able to fix his car yet because Fort Hood’s Criminal Investigation Division still has the vehicle while the incident is under investigation.


John Miller, a spokesman for III Corps and Fort Hood, confirmed that CID is investigating the case.

“It makes me feel disgruntled, unwanted — that the America I love isn’t the same anymore,” said Charlot, a soldier who has deployed overseas multiple times, to KDHnews. 

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