Soldier who was found dead in barracks on Memorial Day has been identified

Luke Thomas Rhoades (Facebook)

A United States Army soldier was found dead over the long weekend, and now Fort Sill authorities are investigating the mysterious Memorial Day demise.

Specialist Luke Thomas Rhoades was found unresponsive in his barracks room on May 29th.

Following a welfare check and subsequent discovery, Spc. Rhoades was pronounced dead by emergency first responders.

Relatively new to Fort Sill, Rhoades was a healthcare specialist (68W) who had previously deployed to South Korea in 2022.

According to KFDX News, Lt. Col. Elijah Ward, 3-13 FA Commander at Ft. Sill, praised the young enlisted man for his selfless nature.

“During this challenging time, we extend our deepest condolences to Specialist Rhoades’ family, friends, and fellow Soldiers,” Lt. Col. Ward said. “Losing a member of our military team is an immense tragedy that affects us all.”

No foul play is suspected.

Fort Sill is best known for being the home of the United States Army Field Artillery School.

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