Soldier charged for recording indecent acts with a coworker at Army hospital

A US Army Soldier at Walter Reed Medical Center has been charged in connection with a pornography-related crime, having filmed himself having sex with another man and being nude near sterilized equipment at the facility.

Specialist Alonza Parker has been charged with indecent visual recording, violation of a military protective order and conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, offenses could land him a court martial or a dishonorable discharge.

As the hub for some of the most wounded military personnel injured in combat zones, Walter Reed is a world-renowned medical institution and the violations will no doubt carry some weight given the location of the offenses.

Photos and video leaked by Parker’s former boyfriend show the Soldier having sex with other men, masturbating in a locker room and exposing himself near sterilized equipment.

“He was my boyfriend at the time. For two-and-a-half years,” said Parker’s former lover, William Beltz, who found the images on a computer they shared.

Parker’s love of Apple products ultimately betrayed him- the geolocation features place the photos inside of Walter Reed.

According to WJLA, the US Army Surgeon General’s Office released a statement on the matter, and an investigation was launched last year.

“Upon learning of these allegations Special Agents from the US Army Criminal Investigation Command opened a criminal investigation and the Soldier was removed from his position and barred from the hospital,” the statement read. “The Soldier’s commander determined that sufficient evidence exists to warrant the preferral of charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. To preserve the integrity of the process under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, we cannot comment further on this case.”

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