Soldier assaults fellow soldier during a hazing incident

A shocking video of a sexual assault committed by a female Soldier against her male coworker has surfaced on the internet- and the world is silent.

The video shows a female soldier of the 3rd Infantry Division slapping her sleeping coworker with a black rubber sex toy, striking his face multiple times before leaving the room and laughing.

“My coworker was sleeping on the job so I decided to wake him up with something [sic] that looks like a giant dildo,” she wrote.

While it occurred several years ago and was seemingly done in jest, the incident sparks a double standard frequently complained about in the military, in which uniformed men often face steeper penalties for such sophomoric acts, at least compared to their female counterparts.

Interestingly, if the Soldier involved were to ever press charges against his female counterpart, his case would still fall within the statute of limitations set forth by the State of Georgia, where his unit was home-based at the time of the incident.

This article was originally published in 2019.

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