Sailor’s wife and his “boat boo” brawl at Navy Christmas party

There is no drama like dependent drama- and social functions are often ground zero for such affairs.

The incident took place after a master chief petty officer was allegedly having inappropriate relationships with junior enlisted, aka “boat boos,” aboard his ship, possibly the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.

While at a function at a local hotel in what was reported to be in the Norfolk area, the conflict between a man and a woman came to a head, erupting in violence and a large-scale brawl that involved law enforcement.

Posted to Reddit’s r/justdependathings’ page, the incident was explained by people familiar with the incident.

“You get an NJP! You get an NJP,” one poster wrote, mimicking Oprah. “Everybody gets an NJP.”

“So much crushed red velvet,” wrote another.

Others gave tips on how to avoid having one’s ear lobes ripped out or spraining one’s ankles while at a social function.

“From what I’ve seen, the first things to go from the female when s**t hits the fan are earrings and high heels, one user wrote. “Hard to fight in shoes that are barely meant to be walked in and ear rings will get ripped out.If they didn’t have shoes on, [it’s] safe to say they were ready to throw down.”

One poster, however, thought what we all were thinking:

“Call me old fashioned, but there is nothing I love more than a shaky, vertical cell phone video of trash acting like trash.”

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