A former Navy Master-At-Arms has turned to OnlyFans for cash and validation, claiming she’s much happier as a result.
Jessica Smyers, a 29-year-old mother of one from Arizona, previously served in a law enforcement role with the US Navy, but left after she became pregnant.
Raising her daughter as a single parent, Smyers lived under her parents’ roof for a time before committing to becoming an OnlyFans “model.”
Seeking financial stability by catering to lonely men, Smyers quickly earned scorn from both friends and family, who disapproved of the work and felt she was not putting her daughter first.
“I’ve been mom-shamed for having an OnlyFans account,” she said. “I think they wanted me to be a housewife with a husband to support me but that was never going to be me.”
According to the Daily Mail, Smyers prefers lingerie to fatigues.
“Being in the military was extremely hard. I would spend 17 hours on my post as a watch person and then sleep and get up and do it all again,” she said. “If I showed up to an arrest, people would joke about wanting to be handcuffed to me. My seniors said my petite frame was a distraction. I wanted more from my life than just standing on watch so I started modelling alongside my work as a way to feel more like myself. I loved to get my hair done and feel like a sexy woman instead of always being in uniform.”
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