According to base officials, the spouse of the missing army soldier from Fort Cavazos has been found dead in their Killeen home.
Cameron Chamberlain, an alleged transgender woman, and spouse of Spc. Craig Chamberlain has been found dead.
Cameron Chamberlain first reported Spc. Chamberlain missing May 15 and based on information discovered over the last several days.
According to KXON, investigators believed Spc. Chamberlain has “willfully absented himself from the Army.”
After the death of his wife, Craig’s mother reported that she found him alive.
“We found our son,” Virginia Chamberlain said to 25 News. “He is alive and he will be ok.”
Chamberlain was assigned to the 704th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 79th Ordnance Battalion at Fort Cavazos.
“The III Armored Corps is grateful to all the agencies involved in the search for Chamberlain, including CID and Killeen Police Department,” an Army official said in a statement. “III Armored Corps also appreciates the tremendous efforts and support by the Fort Cavazos and Killeen communities in finding Chamberlain.”
While no official information has been released about the death of Cameron Chamberlain or the reasons for Craig’s disappearance, rumors have been circulating on social media.
"I believe that something terrible may have happened to him."
— CBS Austin (@cbsaustin) May 26, 2023
Cameron Chamberlain, the wife of missing Army Specialist Craig Chamberlain, has died, according to KWTX. She spoke to CBS Austin just last week about her husband's disappearance.
One military insider, Terminalcwo, suggested Craig was using drugs during his time AWOL and his wife died from an overdose.
This information has not been confirmed.
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