Operator fighting for his life after being injured in “undisclosed location” overseas

Chief Petty Officer Kenton Stacy (Photo credit: left: Facebook, right: KCEN)

A Navy Explosive Ordnance Detachment tech is fighting for his life at Brooke Army Medical Center, in Texas, after sustaining extensive injuries from a blast while overseas.

The official report states he was “working at a medical facility in the Middle East” because of the classified nature of Chief Petty Officer Kenton Stacy’s mission.

“Chief Petty Officer Kenton Stacy was working with partner forces supporting the Operation Inherent Resolve mission overseas,” according to military officials.   Those close to Stacy stated he was actually clearing a hospital in Syria when he was blown up by an IED.

During the explosion, he suffered a traumatic brain injury, his legs were broken, his left eye was detached, his abdomen was opened and he received massive spinal cord damage.

Stacy wife, Lindsey Stacy, never expected her husband to be home so soon. She says she and their children are struggling with seeing the condition their husband and father came home in.

“Shocking, heart wrenching to see him like that,” she told KCEN.

The two have four children -Logan, Mason, Anabelle and Sadie. Logan is ten-years-old and suffers from Cerebral Palsy but still visits his Daddy everyday. Their six-year-old, Mason, is struggling  with his father’s injuries the most.

Kenton and Lindsey Stacy with with their children -Logan, Mason, Anabelle and Sadie.

“He started to cry the other night, saying he doesn’t want his Daddy to die in the hospital,” Lindsey said. “They’ve seen him, but still, Daddy was in an accident, there’s evil people in this world.”

Lindsey is says she is trying to stay strong but it is not easy.

“I can’t do it alone,” Lindsey said through tears.

The Army’s Task Force Medical 47, in Baghdad, Iraq, was responsible for saving Stacy’s life and put together a video to remind him they are thinking of him.

Many others have showed their support by writing empowering messages online with the #StacyStrong as well as donating to a YouCaring and GoFundMe page.

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