Old barracks bunny brags about hooking up with random soldiers at 15-years-old

A well-seasoned “barracks bunny” turned-celebrity bodybuilder and model talked about her rambunctious youth, which included sexual encounters with military personnel while she was still a minor.

Aspiring vlogger, former Miss Nude Universe contestant, ex-stripper and born-again Christian, Kellie Everts poured a growler full of beer and told stories of her time as a teenager growing up near a military installation, when she and her friend would go wrangle servicemen for a fun night out.

The daughter of Lithuanian immigrants (her birth name is Rasa Sofija Jakstas, though she also goes by Rasa von Werder) who fled the horrors of communism to end up in New Jersey, Everts would later romance famous bodybuilders such as Franco Columbu and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In her, youth, however, she had the eyes and hearts of many a uniformed man, even though she was pretty young.

The strategy was pretty simple: accompanied by her friend, they would phone up a nearby barracks and ask for a man by a random name. Sometimes, they would get turned away- but sometimes, someone by that name would be more than happy to take them out for a night on the town.

Later in life, Everts would be featured in Playboy over nine times, eventually making an odd career change and becoming a social worker.

Kellie Everts (Playboy 1977 via http://kellieevertsistripforgod.com)

In a stranger twist, she later became a stripper, claiming that she did it for evangelical purposes, and performed over 1,000 sermons while performing in the burlesque arts.

Everts has posted nearly one hundred videos in the past month, most shot from her chair and averaging about 12 minutes of what can aptly be termed as “TMI.”

Feel free to watch on her YouTube channel, but remember, we warned you.

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