A US Navy SEAL is in serious trouble after he allegedly pretended to be someone else in order to get nude photos from women.
Petty Officer First Class Aaron Howard, who is a member of DEVGRU, or “Seal Team 6,” faces a general court-martial at Naval Station Norfolk.
Defense attorney Machael Waddington told the Pilot that someone was using a program to send texts from fake phone numbers to SEALs and others within DEVGRU. Using this medium, the user requested nude photos of women.
“If you want to embarrass DEVGRU and create a lot of dissension in the ranks it would be so easy to text different people,” he said. “This goes beyond this asking for photographs.”
The SEALs have fallen under heavy scrutiny in recent memory, ranging from an entire team being kicked out of Iraq for misconduct to SEAL Team 10 using cocaine and cheating drug tests.
Howard did not have any evidence on his phone and passed two polygraph tests when questioned about the incident.
All the crimes Howard has been charged with fall under General Article 134, which covers “all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.” Reportedly, none of his SEAL teammates are willing to testify on his behalf, and Howard has since been removed from his team.
“They have completely obstructed our ability to even defend him. The command can’t interfere with someone’s right to due process,” Waddington said.
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