National World War II Memorial vandalized by pipeline protesters

The National World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. has vandalized- and all fingers point to activists opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline Project in North Dakota.

The National World War II Memorial located on the Mall is decorated with 56 granite pillars, each representing an individual U.S. state or territory that existed at World War II’s end in 1945.

Unfortunately, the monument was desecrated when someone spray painted the message “#NoDAPL” on the pillar representing North Dakota.

According to KFGO, a spokesperson for the National Parks Service -who oversees the monument’s care- was not available for comment.

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  • Andy Wolf

    Andy Wolf is an Appalachian native who spent much of his youth and young adulthood overseas in search of combat, riches, and adventure- accruing decades of experience in military, corporate, first responder, journalistic and advisory roles. He resides in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains with his K9 companion, Kiki.

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