Military vets patrolling San Francisco’s Chinatown to protect the community from attacks

A group of veterans is currently patrolling San Francisco’s Chinatown, an organized response to perceived racism and alleged xenophobic attacks related to the Chinese-originated coronavirus pandemic.

The SF Peace Collective, a group created in response to attacks on Asian Americans in recent times, has been escorting at-risk individuals through Chinatown, protecting the elderly and the defenseless.

Some veterans -such as Tim and Thien (former US Navy and US Marines, respectively) came from Milpitas and San Jose to assist the SFPC in their efforts.

During their time on the streets, they partook in an unexpected medical emergency.

“We witness an elderly lady fall and bumped her head on the cement floor,” Leanna Louie wrote on Facebook. “We gently moved her to a sitting position against the wall. Then called 9-1-1 for help. She had high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, and high cholesterol. The medics came and they are now taking her to Chinese Hospital.”

The patrol shifts are only 2-3 hours long, and those willing to participate are welcome to do so.

“We welcome any compassionate community member who wants to help us protect those who can’t protect themselves,” Louie wrote.

SFPC member Robt Lowe believes the Chinese population often fails to intervene in violence and emergencies due to cultural differences.

 “Other races take care of and protect their own people, why can’t we do it?” he told NextShark. “We need to make a stand now, if we don’t take a stand now, we’re not going to take the stand.”

The groups reportedly arm themselves with pepper spray, as actual weaponry is rather hard to come by and legally carry in California.

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