Military spouse leaves no tip because the server did not give a free drink for “military service”

An alleged “military spouse” reportedly left a catty remark on a receipt at a restaurant, causing controversy online.

The spouse reportedly bought two glasses of Chardonnay at the restaurant, reportedly complaining that she didn’t get free stuff and leaving a tip of exactly $0.

“I’m a military spouse,” the patron wrote on the receipt. “It should be free.”

“Next time, thank a military spouse,” she continued.

On Snapchat, the patron reportedly complained about the service, claiming that military spouses deserve all the best- for nothing.

“Military spouses deserve drinks for free,” she posted in a semi-literate manner completely devoid of commas and periods. “F**k this place!!”

“We serve our a**es off more than anyone,” she continued.

The image was posted to Reddit, where the alleged “spouse” was torn asunder by netizens.

“Bi**h had the nerve to put a smiley at the end of that giant f**k you,” one user posted.

Others noted that stiffing a server -who relies on tips- is the ultimate faux pas.

“Holy crap, if that dependa can afford a $12 drink, she needs to pay the server for bringing it to her lazy ass,” one user wrote.

It is unknown exactly where the purchases were made.

Editor’s note: The pronoun “she” was used to by the author, but the gender of the “spouse” is not known.

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