Military bases under fire for perceived racist MLK day activities

With Martin Luther King Jr Day just around the corner, several attempts by the military to celebrate the holiday have come under fire, with critics citing allegations of racism.

In Fort Campbell, the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Dining Facility released a menu for the festivities ahead, prompting second glances and comments from several sources (namely Reddit) that were brought to the attention of Popular Military. While the spread may seem somewhat stereotypical to those unable to experience real food south of the Mason-Dixon line, most people would consider the menu nothing more than an excellent example of a good, artery-clogging Southern meal.

Fort Campbell MLK day meal

When the NCOIC of the dining facility was called for comment he expressed surprise concerning the allegations, though no official statements were made.

Meanwhile, the Robins AFB Outdoor Recreation organization found themselves in hot water after a marketing team leaked a proposed flyer promoting a “Fun Shoot” for the holiday, featuring a portrait of Dr.King (who was assassinated by way of firearm).

MLK AFB skeet shoot

Robins AFB Public Affairs were quick to respond, stating that after they “realized the inappropriateness of the advertisement several days ago and immediately began removing the flyer’ and that ‘It was an honest mistake, to which (they’ve) personally counseled the parties involved and will provide them with remedial training and appropriate oversight to prevent this sort of inattention from occurring in the future.”

Do the parties involved actually need remedial training? Are such matters really such soft targets for dissent in the name of social justice? Are these acts of ignorance or are these merely advertisements for relaxing, eating and shooting on a Federal Holiday? Frankly, the food sounds delicious and the shoot exciting, with no real need to make a fuss over such things simply because of the current high racial tensions the United States is facing.

While the need for certain levels of sensitivity coincide with common sense, it is often argued that extreme political correctness has become somewhat of a blight upon the modern military. With the term “EO” becoming more of a punchline or negative adjective than an asset, one has to wonder- are minor (and benign) instances like these brought up because someone was actually upset, or do some people not have anything better to do?

“If this is considered racist now’, one soldier commented, ‘then I really don’t want to live on this planet anymore. What is the point of freedom if you’re afraid to say or do anything?”

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  • Andy Wolf

    Andy Wolf is an Appalachian native who spent much of his youth and young adulthood overseas in search of combat, riches, and adventure- accruing decades of experience in military, corporate, first responder, journalistic and advisory roles. He resides in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains with his K9 companion, Kiki.

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