Marine vet banned from Disney World after holding political sign on ride

(Don Cini Facebook)

A US Marine veteran has been banned from all Disney attractions -for a second time- after he held up a banner showing support for the President of the United States.

Veteran Dion Cini admitted he was “testing” Disney World rules last week, after they had previously banned him for unfurling a giant pro-Trump banner in the Magic Kingdom in September. Upon letting the Annual Pass member back in, Disney soon caught Cini holding up a smaller sign on Splash Mountain.

(Don Cini Facebook)

Disney has company rules against using a “flag, banner or sign to incite a crowd.”

“I wanted to actually abide by their rules, and not hold up a flag to incite a crowd, but I kind of wanted to test them,” Cini tolfd Local10. “I just really wanted to find out whether or not it had to do with unfurling a flag, or what was written on the flag.”

According posts to Cini’s social media page, the “test” appears to be part of “Operation Flag Drop,” a campaign to effectively “photobomb” events with Trump flags.

“The first time might have been borderline inciting the crowd, and they called me back and said they’d let me in,” Cini told the New York Post. “The second time, I just help up a small sign…and I did not incite a crowd. So I actually proved my own theory. That they kicked me out ’cause of the context of the sign and not the policy.”

In the aftermath of his latest stunt, Cini said he was escorted out by over three dozen Disney employees.

“Forty Disney employees escorted me out,” the forty-nine-year-old New Yorker recalled.

Cini’s theory aside, Disney insists they were just sticking to policy.

“Walt Disney World welcomes all Guests to enjoy our parks,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “However, demonstrations and the display of signs and banners is not permitted on the premises.”

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