Marine is so jacked up his NCO has the worst military mental breakdown on him

A US Marine felt the fury of his superiors outside of a unit building, all to the bemused giggles of his fellow Marines.

The unknown Marine -who had allegedly committed some sort of infraction- was berated at knife hand’s-length by an incensed superior.

“You’re a G-ddamn nut, boy,” the angry leader shouted. “You’re G-ddamn nuts.”

Meanwhile, the Marines viewing the incident from afar evaluated the demeanor of the Marine being berated.

“You know he wants to hit him,” one said.

Finally, the Marine on the short end of the ass-chewing stick has enough, protesting that he did nothing wrong. Seeing a bad situation about to turn worse, the Marines watching the event go to pull the beleaguered Marine out of harm’s way.

“I didn’t do nothing wrong,” the Marine said as he was pulled away.

Before departing, the poor Marine was chewed out a second time before walking away in frustration.

After being posted to Reddit, one individual -going by username “etom_roc_smile” – claimed he knew the Marine getting chewed out.

“Went to boot camp in 2005 with this turd,” the redditor posted. “Always getting platoon f***ed up for his mouth and attitude…He went to 1/9 while they were standing up and continued to be a problem child. Later found dead in barracks from drugs I believe.”

Comments from the original video also seem to claim the aforementioned Marine died of a cocaine overdose.

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