Man has sex with soldier’s wife, tells him to ask her “who’s bigger”

At what appears to be an active duty US Army installation, a soldier confronts a man about a sexual encounter with his wife.

“Say goodbye toy soldier,” a man tells a U.S. Army soldier, who has accused him of  having sexual relations with his wife. “You’re a pussy bro. If I wanted to f*&k your wife, I could have f*^ked your wife,” he says.

As the profanity filled verbal assault continues, the soldier’s wife emerges to stand by her husband’s side. “Get your husband before he gets his ass beat now,” the man says.

“F*&k me like you already did?,” says the wife. “See bro, this is why I don’t f*ck with white bitches,” he responds. “See they want to get a brother locked up. That’s the white people. You know what I’m saying?”

“Take your bum-ass wife n***a.”

According to his Twitter account, he was medically retired from the Army and lives off his disability checks.

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