Footage from a rocket attack at Bagram Air Base shows the 20mm Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar system at work- and it is a sight to see.
The C-RAM units spewed 20mm into the sky in hopes of knocking down projectiles lobbed at the base.
It is unknown if the C-Ram hit any of the rockets, and it is now believed that an improvised technical fitted with a Soviet-style, Katyusha-type rocket system is responsible for the bombardment.
The vehicle -a Mazda pickup- was reportedly destroyed and initially believed to be a V-BIED (vehicle-born IED). Twitter user @RisboLensky posted photos of the vehicle and made the allegations.
“Distance between Sayad and Bagram AB covers Katyusha range,” the netizen tweeted.
According to MEMRI, ISIS claimed responsibility for the ten-rocket barrage.
The curious “exploding string” effect of the C-RAM’s ammunition is due to its use of High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer/Self-Destruct ammunition, one of the several changes that differentiate the C-RAM from its tungsten armor-piercing round-firing Navy sibling, the Phalanx CIWS (Close-In Weapons System), usually found mounted on ships.
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