Iranian state TV has reportedly released pictures of one of the US sailors that was captured last month crying. They were shared on Twitter by Abas Aslani (@abasinfo), whose profile describes him as “General Director of World & FP @ Tasnim News Agency” and “Former General Director of World & FP @ Fars News Agency.”
Fars news agency describes itself as being “Iran’s leading independent news agency,” but it has a long record of reporting false news.
In 2012, the news organization ran an article based up on a fake news story by The Onion which is a popular US satirical newspaper. The same year, Fars news ran a story that claimed a 27-year-old Iranian scientist had invented a time machine that allowed people to see into the future but later recanted the findings.
The photos have yet to be confirmed by US officials but the sailor appears to look like the sailor in the official photo below (released during detainment situation last month).
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