Hacked Colin Powell email says Bill Clinton still “dicking bimbos”

In new emails leaked by a hacker, former secretary of state and U.S. Army general Colin L. Powell expresses extremely negative opinions of both presidential candidates.

The emails were first posted under password protection on DCLeaks.com, a site with ties to other recent hacks of U.S. political figures and groups, according to the Washington Post.

The emails, which have been confirmed by one as Powell’s spokeswomen, are still being combed through by the media but one contained a particularly alarming accusation against Bill Clinton.

“I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect,” Powell wrote in the email dated July 26, 2014. “A 70-year-old person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home.”

The Washington Post reports Powell was refering to tabloid allegations against Clinton, not first hand knowledge of his alleged infidelity.

In 2014, one of Clinton’s Secret Service agents, Robald Kessler, claimed Clinton had a mistress named “Energizer” in his book “The First Family Detail.”

Kessler said that Hillary’s Secret Service detail used to warn Bill’s detail before she came home, so Bill would have time to clean up any evidence and get the “Energizer off the property.”

Former President Clinton has faced numerous allegations of adultery over the years, stemming from his first reported affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky -which culminated in impeachment proceedings.

Powell did not hold back his feelings about Trump either. In his emails he calls Trump “a national disgrace and an international pariah” who led a “racist” birther movement.

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