“Dumb and Dumber” auditors harass Air Force base security forces

Two socially-awkward men (who somewhat resemble the characters from the 1994 film “Dumb and Dumber”) conducting an “audit” at Indiana’s Grissom Air Reserve Base made fools of themselves as they harassed USAF Security Force members for nearly half an hour.

Auditor Kyle “Swine Repellent” Stone (YouTube name Pig Pen) and his friend walked up the Grissom ARB gate and began filming, only to find themselves approached by two members of the Security Forces.

Screenshot from video embedded below

One of the Airmen immediately recognized Stone, causing Stone to be upset about the fact that he was previously identified by a local Deputy Sheriff.

“You know you obtained that, illegally, sir?” Stone inquired, referencing his identity. “If the Sheriff didn’t violate my Fourth Amendment right the get my ID forcibly out of my pocket, then you would have no idea who the Hell I am.”

The amused Security Airmen -one of which was a Master Sergeant- played along with Stone while they quietly reported their presence to local law enforcement.

“Do you understand why we’re doing this?” Stone asked. “Purely accountability. That’s is, nothing more.”

Stone then began to ask about “secret bunkers,” as well as other details concerning the base.

“This is a federal installation,” the Master Sergeant said, getting tired of the entire affair.

Stone and his new friends argued over property line boundaries until local law enforcement showed up, at which point the “auditor” and his friend decided to “casually” slink away.

“Well, you can tell Miami County that we stayed long enough for them to come and act stupid,” Stone said, “But I think we’re gonna go.”

He then demanded that the two Airmen tell their superiors to be nice to him and “The Fat Man.”

With their own dinner plans now interrupted, the Air Force guards told the dorky duo to grab a bite to eat at “Beef O’ Brady’s.”

With no one else to taunt, Stone began taunting his “diabetic” friend, accusing him of calling the FBI on them.

The video then devolved into an argument over how the “audits” are performed, as two nerdy dudes with selfie sticks walked off into the sunset.

You can watch the video on YouTube here.

YouTube video

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