A former Navy Chief Petty Officer allegedly had his identity stolen by an illegal immigrant- and now, he’s gone to South Florida to confront them.
Chief Petty Officer Jose Garcia Acosta served nearly twenty years in the US Navy. Now, he claims that he has been a victim of identity theft since the 1990s, destroying a “disabled veteran and single dad’s finances, credit, security clearance, employment and much more.”
The alleged culprit has been identified by Acosta as Jesus Garcia, an illegal immigrant who reportedly works for Annco Lawn Services in Delray Beach.
According to Acosta, Jesus Garcia has been using his social security number to report wages and even purchase a home, located in the “Sanctuary City” of West Palm Beach. According to Acosta, Garcia has been in the country for over two decades, using various Social Security Numbers (SSNs), and defaulting on mortgages.
Living in Orlando, Acosta wasn’t far from Garcia- but he wanted to go through official channels before confronting the man personally.
“State Attorney Pam Bondi contacted me yesterday to say that can’t do anything,” he wrote on September 18, before making the decision to head to Palm Beach County.
On Monday, Acosta made the drive down to West Palm Beach to confront Jesus Garcia, and managed to find him at the property.
Filming the entire event, Acosta confronted Garcia, who confirmed that he lived at the residence, worked for ALS, and had been there for quite some time. However, when Garcia began to figure out what was going on, he demanded the camera be turned off.
The video of the confrontation had been posted to Facebook and had over 2,000 views before it was taken down for policy violations.
“I was informed by [Facebook] that my message about coming down here was against their standards so they removed it,” Acosta wrote on his Facebook.
Garcia also told Acosta that the police had been dispatched to check on Garcia.
“I suggest nobody pass around there and bother the guy,” Acosta said in a video. “They’re passing by and monitoring him.”
After speaking with Garcia, Acosta said that he would seek the counsel of a lawyer to handle the confrontation with Annco Lawn Services and set up a legal funding page via GoFundMe.
When pressed for comment as to what he wants to come out of the situation, Acosta told Popular Military that he wants “Justice.”
“Want to see the company, the illegal immigrant, and IRS held responsible,” he said. “[I want to] let the nation know how this country has become so sympathetic towards illegal immigrants even at the cost of veterans.”
Acosta claims he spoke to Annco once, but was then told by lawyers to refrain from contacting the company.
Popular Military reached out to Annco Lawn Services on Tuesday afternoon, and were addressed by a female company representative who spoke to reporters in a hostile and unprofessional manner before denying allegations and hanging up the phone.
Further attempts to contact the company went unanswered.
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