If you are on active duty and at a wedding with a bunch of other service members, jokes are going to be made and Airmen are usually the most likely targets.
But for one Coast Guard member, he stood no chance among other squared away Airmen.
Coast Guard Lieutenant J.G. Jones is being dubbed “Commander Beef Wellington” after going viral this week for his ill-fitting uniform while attending a wedding with other service members.
In the video, posted by Nate Wilson, Nate says, “God Damn, you look like a beef wellington that has been tied up tight and ready to go in the oven.”
Before the original video was deleted from TikTok it gained over 3.5 million views and the top comment was “Commander Beef Wellington.”
It has been since reposted to Reddit and users were quick to comment.
“A roasted beef tenderloin,” one user wrote. “Those buttons deserve our gratitude for their service.”
“Must be using kevlar thread on those keeping everyone safe, come on Lt. You look like a mattress strapped down to a trailer,” a Navy veteran wrote.
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