PHOTO: Republic of Korea and U.S. Marines storm the beach on March 29th, 2014 during a rehearsal of the amphibious landing portion of Exercise Ssang Yong 2014 at Doksoek-ri in Pohang, Republic of Korea. Image Gallery
U.S. Marines
Commandant: Marines ‘Will Do Same With Less’
By Claudette Roulo American Forces Press Service Since the founding of the Marine Corps in 1775, Marines have answered the nation’s call, faithfully protecting the American people and maintaining a world-class standard of military excellence, the Marine Corps commandant said…
PHOTOS: MEU Tankers Conduct Urban Training
Marines with tank platoon, Battalion Landing Team 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines (BLT 2/1), 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), conducted RUTMEUEX (Realistic Urban Training Marine Expeditionary Unit Exercise 14-1) at Camp Roberts, California on March 20th, 2014. Image Gallery
Best Marine Corps Recruiting Commercial Ever?
Best Marine Corps recruiting commercial ever?
PHOTOS: FASTPAC Marines Train in Hong Kong
Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Pacific (FASTPAC) Marines from the U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge performed simulated visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) operations with the Hong Kong Police in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong during a port visit on…
Experimental combat unit to test integrating female Marines
By Gunnery Sgt. Scott Dunn The Marine Corps plans to stand up an experimental task force comprised of both men and women volunteers in primarily ground-combat-arms specialties for about a year so analysts can assess their performance, the general officer…