Students at the Marine Special Operations School at Stone Bay, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, participate in the field training exercise Raider Spirit on May 8th, 2014. Image Gallery
U.S. Marines
PHOTO: Tank Top
A Marine combat engineer with Assault Breacher Vehicle Platoon, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, mans an M48 .50 caliber machine gun at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan on April 30, 2014. Image Gallery
PHOTO: Assault Breacher Vehicle Employs Line Charge
U.S. Marines with 1st Combat Engineers Battalion utilize an M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle (AVB) to employ an M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) rocket to detonate emplaced mines near Camp Leatherneck in Helmand province, Afghanistan on April 29th, 2014. AVB’s,…
PHOTO: Marines Resupplied in Djibouti
A Marine with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (22nd MEU) awaits a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter for a supply transfer during a U.S.-France bilateral exercise in Djibouti on April 25th, 2014. Image Gallery
VIDEO: Marines Attempt the Basic Jungle Survival Course
Marines with the III MEF Combat Assault Battalion complete the endurance course, the final event in the Basic Jungle Survival Course at the Jungle Warfare Training Center in Okinawa, Japan.
PHOTOS: Marines Fast-Rope From Helo
U.S. Marines don’t generally rappel from helicopters, that’s too slow. Instead, they usually fast-rope, a technique that is much like sliding down a fireman’s pole but on a heavy rope. Using this technique, Marines guide their descent with their feet.…