Military Humor
Running into Cars in Iraq
These soldiers are not being a-hole drivers; driving politely or slow in crowded Iraqi traffic only opens up a convoy to an ambush.
Marine One Blows Snow on Photojournalists
Working as a press photographer at the White House can mean dealing with unexpected circumstances and today that meant staying out of the way of snow blasts triggered by Marine One.
Video: “How to be Tacticool”
Army Ranger, Matt Best and his Ranger buddies have released his newest video on how to be “tacticool” (Strong Language)
President Obama’s joke to troops falls flat
President Obama attempted to make a joke in his remarks to U.S. military members and civilian personnel at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, but it was met with an awkward silence.
Chuck Norris Holiday Split
Happy Holidays from Chuck Norris