Even the highest ranking officers know how to get down.
Military Humor
Ranger Up Ice Bucket Challege
VIDEO: Marine Band Performs Thriftshop
So this is our 3rd year doing these knock-down/drag-out Birthday Ball concerts; first it was “Bohemian Rhapsody” then it was “Gangnam Style” and “Thunderstruck”, and now it’s “Thrift Shop” (which we rewrote the lyrics to and called “Cash Sales”) and…
Things Civilians Say to Veterans
“No Veterans were harmed in the making of this product. Actually, everyone in the production served or serves in one way or the other.”
VIDEO: Soldier Falls Asleep, Gets Pranked
A Soldier is caught sleeping, so he’s woken up with some military humor.
14,000 U.S. draft notices sent to men born in the 1800s
A glitch in the Selective Service System caused the U.S. to mistakenly send more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men draft notices. The bizarre thing about the occurrence is that the notices were sent to men born in the 1800s. According to…