Bus carrying about 40 Marines to Nashville event catches fire

Marine officials say a bus carrying about 40 Marines to Nashville for Marine Week caught fire along Interstate 24.

The Marines, who were heading from Camp Lejeune, safely got off the bus Monday following the fire near the southeastern Tennessee community of Monteagle, according to the Associated Press.

The event, which has a theme of “Community, Country and Corps,” takes place from Sept. 7-11 and offers more than 80 free, public events across the city.

“We are bringing our equipment, our ethos and our history to Nashville,” said 1st Lt. Johnny Henderson, public affairs officer for Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Nashville. “Marine Week serves as an opportunity for us to show the Nashville community the high standard of professionalism and discipline embodied by every Marine and how their service enables the Marine Corps to respond to crises around the world and to win our nation’s battles.”

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