Army vet hits on “handsome” male soldiers, films their ‘packages’ for private use

Footage has surfaced of the recently-arrested transgender free-speech “auditor” and Army veteran known as Furry Potato, as she antagonized personnel at an Army Reserve base in the greater Los Angeles area.

Posted on June 10, Furry Potato (also known as Zhoie Perez) stood outside of the US Army Reserve Center in Bell, California, filming the location and personnel in what some fringe free-speech activists refer to as “audits.”

Standing outside of the facility, Perez began to verbally abuse people in their vehicles, including a 1st Lieutenant Henry.

During Perez’s encounter with the Lieutenant, the young officer was ordered to “go back to work” by Perez. When Henry told Perez that police would be on their way, Perez became antagonistic, seemingly hoping for a reaction.

At one point, 1LT Henry leaves his vehicle to head to the access gate, not wearing his cover. Allegedly a veteran of the US Army, Perez then began berating him for not being in full uniform, refusing to step away from Henry’s vehicle at the officer’s request.

When Henry began speaking with another individual on site, Perez demanded that her audience “doxx” the man’s license plate, referring to him as a “bootlicker.”

“I guess those chubby cheeks really help you store those nuts,” Perez said to the man, laughing maniacally. “I’m just going to assume you were a hall monitor in school, right?”

By this point, multiple vehicles were parked and observing the event, causing quite a scene. After encouraging soldiers on the scene to call the police, Perez was at one point denied communication by a soldier, who simply rolled up his window to avoid the antagonistic auditor.

“Aww, you don’t want to tell me your rank?” Perez asked. “Aww, that’s right, you’re Reserve, it doesn’t matter what rank you are.”

Over twenty minutes after the encounter began to escalate, Bell Police officers arrived to address the situation. After Sergeant Walker of Bell PD informed Perez that the road access was private property, Perez began to argue with the police.

Perez argued that since the utilities were public, the road was public property, despite being told that the access was private. Arguing for some time, Perez began to antagonize the police and the soldier she referred to as a “bootlicker.”

Eventually, Perez informed them that she and her attorney had looked up the lot survey before the “audit” to ensure no laws would be broken.  She told police were incorrect in that the public utility line was his legal route to travel. Eventually de-escalating the situation, Perez spoke of his ideals and eventually made peace with the officers and -to a lesser extent- an uncomfortable truce with “bootlicker.”

With the soldiers running out of daylight and the police ready to go, Perez was left to do, well, whatever it is Perez does.

Several days after the incident, Zhoie Perez was arrested on felony charges for allegedly making terroristic threats at a US Marine Recruiting Station in Valencia. Perez has since been released and has a court date for July 3rd in San Fernando.

This article was originally published in 2018. 

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