Army using COVID-19 to attract recruits in new advertising video

Editor’s note: Contrary to previous reports regarding the music created for the Army’s “Unbelievable” video, Barking Owl music company is responsible for the production of the music.

The US Army has enlisted the help of a production company in an effort to recruit people into the National Guard.

Titled, “Unbelievable,”  the music video is an effort to bring Generation Z into the ranks of the military under the “What’s Your Warrior” campaign.

The video hit the net on Friday, and has been going around various social media pages.

The video has a dark, dystopian feel, and shows Army personnel responding to pandemic-related issues.

Laura DeFrancisco, spokeswoman for the Army Enterprise Marketing Office, made it clear that the Army wasn’t taking advantage of the Chinese-originated virus, but wasn’t shying away from their role in dealing with it.

“We don’t want to sound opportunistic at all but, at the same time, we are very involved in the fight. The Army has a role in this,” she said.

“We were getting really good response from that, so that’s why we went forward with this video,” DeFrancisco told

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