Army uses this video to ‘dumb down’ sexual harassment training

Every Army unit is required to go through SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response) training annually.  A lot of time, energy, man-power and money is put into this training that is dreaded by a majority of the Army.  The Army even went as far as producing what looks and sounds like a Lifetime channel movie for this training, but yet the 2:50 minute long video by Blue Seat Studios (above) does a much better job of explain the meaning of sexual consent.  So it is not surprising some instructors choose to use the “dumbed down” Blue Seat Studio video in their training.

If you want to spend 15 minutes watching part 1 of the official SHARP training video it is below.

YouTube video

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  • Michael Swaney

    Michael is an Army veteran and the Director of Content for Bright Mountain Media LLC

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