Army personnel completing their annual TARP training are being taught that Hillary Clinton is a national security threat.
TARP stands for Annual Training Requirement for Threat Awareness and Reporting Program. According to the USACAC website, all Army personnel are required to receive TARP training annually – including active duty, Reserve, National Guard members, DA civilians and DA contractors.
The U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (USACAC), which is located at Fort Leavenworth, provides leadership and supervision for leader development and professional military and civilian education.
Some of the indicators of a potential insider threat listed on their site are: “Expressing hatred or intolerance of American society or culture” and “Expressing sympathy for organizations that promote violence.”
At least one slide in the TARP PowerPoint presentation contains an image of Hillary Clinton, suggesting she is a prime example of an insider threat to national security.
The slide, which is titled “Who is the Threat?”, lists Nidal Hasan, Hillary Clinton and Edward Snowden, among others.
One Facebook user points out that, “You realize when Secretary Clinton is elected this brief becomes a UCMJ violation (Article 88, Disrespect towards officials).”
The slide, which shows the “Insiders’” photos, also displays a subheading that reads: “Careless or disgruntled employees.” Clinton would seemingly fall under the “careless” category as the FBI claims they decided not to indict her because she did not display an intent to harm.
It seems Facebook users were more outraged over Snowden being compared to Hasan — the Army psychiatrist behind the deadly Ft. Hood shootings — than with Hillary being listed among the insider threats.
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