This Army support unit in South Korea may have lost all military bearing

Screenshot from video released by “The Alliance-Maide In Korea.”

A US Army support unit in South Korea is reminding us why professional bearing is a good thing, thanks to a cringeworthy video about so-called Millennials in the military.

The video was created by a creatives group known as “The Alliance- Made In Korea,” and features soldiers believed to be stationed at Camp Humphreys in South Korea.

In the approximately three-minute short “If Millennials Ran The ARMY, (The BC walk-thru)” a baby-faced Battalion Commander and his company-level lackey approach the battalion headquarters, alerting a young-looking E-8 with and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge races up the stairs to alert the others, passing out upon completion of his mission.

The Colonel and Captain enter the filthy elevator at HQ and perform the “Wakanda” salute from Marvel’s Black Panther, as personnel upstairs prepare for their arrival… By bringing out a boombox.

Upon arrival, the Captain announces the arrival of the Lieutenant Colonel in a manner similar to a boxer entering the ring, ending with another Wakanda salute and prompting staff duty to start playing rap music as all the personnel begin dancing.

Shortly after, a Private First Class in dress uniform to say “Wassup, Sir,” and joins in on the dancing.

The rap music gives way to Latino dance music, which ultimately seems to impress the “Lieutenant Colonel.”

At one point, an older-looking Staff Sergeant peeks through a door, shaking his head at the behavior of the “Millenials.”

Eventually, the LTC decides enough is enough, and releases all troops to their duties with a simple “Carry on.”

It is presumed that all the personnel in the video were not the ranks they appeared to be, given that most don’t look over the age of twenty-five. While this might account for some “Millennials” (which range in birth date from around 1980 to 2000, with some variations going as far back as the late 1970s), some of the soldiers appear so young that they may actually be part of Generation Z, which ranges from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s in terms of birth year.

The video took place in a building occupied by the 2nd Infantry Division and, while celebrated by some, has drawn quite a bit of criticism for depicting the military in an undesirable light.

“I just don’t see how this can be done respectfully,“ Sergeant Vineasa Coaston wrote in the comments. “The military should not be a web series.”

Others felt that such a video was only applicable to non-combat personnel, as branches such as the Infantry would not tolerate such matters, even in a joking way.

“Obviously not an Infantry Battalion,” Jarrod Truog wrote. “…Things would have been much more violent and lots more foul language.”

Still, even more just couldn’t get over how disgusting the unwashed elevator looked, posting screenshots.

“Who wiped down them elevator doors?” C Minerva Loup-Ange wrote. “Them sh**s look terrible!”

“We just going to pretend this didn’t happen,” Zach Jutkins wrote.

The Alliance-Made In Korea has produced other videos as well, including one that claims Jordan shoes can’t be worn during PT because scuffing them would cause the owner to collapse.

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