Army “Special Forces Ranger” confronted at elementary school’s Veteran’s Day breakfast

An Army veteran felt he had no other choice but to confront a fake soldier on Friday.

While attending a Veteran’s Day breakfast ceremony at his son’s elementary school in Fort Meyers, Florida, he noticed an alleged soldier’s uniform was not in regulation.

Robert Flynn, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was at the school to see his son and the other students sing patriotic songs, present ‘Thank You’ notes to veterans and eat the catered breakfast.

He first noticed the “soldier” when he was in line to eat at the school cafeteria.

“Immediately upon seeing him, I knew he was wrong,” he wrote. “My first question was, “Are you in the Army?”, to which he replied, ‘Yes sir!'”

When Flynn asked him what unit he was in, the “soldier” replied with “11 Bravo” -the MOS (military occupation specialty) nomenclature for Army infantry.

“This person was wearing an unauthorized undershirt, no headgear, 101st Airborne unit insignia, with a missing “Airborne” tab, a “Ranger” and “Special Forces” tab instead,” Flynn wrote.

Every year -around Veteran’s Day- impostors claim to be service members or veterans but the public outrage has switched from being over the impostor’s offenses to the veterans who confront them.

Many have come to defend the impostors by suggesting that many of them are mentally ill and veteran’s confronting them is not doing any good. But in this moment, Flynn felt it was necessary to intervene.

He had just witnessed a man at his son’s school in a uniform that gives him authority, which is not something a mentally ill person should have over children.

“This type of behavior disgusts me to the core and I could not go without addressing it,” Flynn wrote.

“If you’ve never sacrifice for this country, missed birthdays, first steps, first days of school, etc., then please don’t choose to weigh in with your irrelevant negative feedback about the manner in which I handled the situation; Your opinion is strictly that, as is mine.”

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