Army Rangers, Florida EMS training for mass casualty incident

A 96th Civil Engineer Group firefighter, walks a simulated victim away from the helicopter crash scene during the 6th Ranger Training Battalion’s annual mass casualty exercise Sept. 28 at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. First responders from the 6th RTB, the 96th Civil Engineer Group Fire Department, 96th Security Forces Squadron, Okaloosa County Emergency Medical Services and Okaloosa Med Flight responded to a simulated mid-air helicopter collision and crash on the range. The realistic exercise with more than 20 injuries served to validate the 6 RTB’s mass casualty exercise procedures and their ability to work as part of a unified command. (U.S. Air Force photo/Ilka Cole)

The Army’s 6th Ranger Training Battalion, in conjunction with the 96th Test Wing, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa County Emergency Services and Fort Walton Beach Medical Center, is scheduled to conduct a mass casualty exercise from 10 a.m.-noon on Wednesday, Oct. 3.

The annual training exercise will take place in the northwest portion of the Eglin range and is intended to test emergency response plans involving multiple agencies.

During the exercise, EMS vehicles and helicopters will transport simulated patients from the Highway 87 vicinity to area hospitals, including Santa Rosa Medical Center, Fort Walton Beach Medical Center, Twin Cities Hospital and the Eglin AFB hospital.

The 6th Ranger Training Battalion conducts the final phase of the U.S. Army Ranger course at Camp Rudder on Eglin AFB. Its mission is to expose Army Ranger candidates to a fast-paced field training exercise, including airborne and helicopter assaults, small-boat operations, river crossings and swamp crossings.


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