Army investigating death of US soldier near train tracks in Germany

The Army is just now releasing information about a soldier killed early last month in Germany.

The solider, who has been identified as Spc. Rollin R. Carey, was found by German police on Oct. 9 at around 6 a.m. near railroad tracks close to Landstuhl’s train station. A spokeswoman with the German prosecutor’s office in Zweibruecken said Carey was struck by the train.

The incident is still under investigation by both German authorities and the Army Criminal Investigation Command, Army officials said to Stars and Stripes on Tuesday.

Carey joined the Army in 2014 as a satellite communications systems operator and was stationed at the Enterprise SATCOM Gateway in Landstuhl in March of last year.

“The Defense Enterprise Wideband SATCOM Systems (DEWSS) provide combatant commanders and deployed Soldiers, as well as joint service personnel, DOD and national leadership, with secure, high-capacity satellite connectivity, enabling reachback for voice, video and data communications and transfer of intelligence information.”

Capt. Matthew de la Guardia, commander of U.S. Army Signal Activity Kaiserslautern; Col. Jeff Worthington, commander of 2nd Theater Signal Brigade; John Adams, deputy district engineer of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District; and Lt. Col. Ernest Tornabell IV, commander of the 102nd Strategic Signal Battalion, cut a ribbon to officially open the new USASA-K headquarters and operations building at a ceremony May 15, 2017 in Landstuhl, Germany. (Photo Credit: Mr. William B King (2nd Signal Brigade))

Will King, a 2nd Theater Signal Brigade spokesman, said his case is considered an “undetermined death” as of now.

“He was an integral part of our team and his absence will be felt for quite some time,” said Lt. Col. Ernest Tornabell IV, commander of the 102nd Signal Battalion. “Our condolences and prayers go out to the Carey family during their time of sorrow.”

Carey’s funeral service will be held Thursday at St. Joseph’s Parish in his hometown of Middletown, Del., and will be attended by members of his command.

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