Army investigating botched Humvee drop during airborne exercise

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A serious mishap that went viral after being posted by the famous “US Army WTF Moments” Facebook page has resulted in an investigation.

The accident occurred on April 11th when the 173rd Airborne Brigade was conducting an airborne operation as part of Saber Junction 16 at Hohenfels training area in Germany.

During the airborne operation, about 150 supply bundles, vehicles, communications equipment and indirect weapons systems were dropped, according to the Army Times.

Like many airborne operations not everything landed softly or as planned. Three Humvees slipped out of their rigging as their parachutes were deploying, hurling them towards the ground for some impressive impacts that were all caught on camera.

The video, which was captured by an anonymous soldier, was distributed on Facebook and has been viewed over one million times.

Army spokesman Maj. Juan Martinez said, “There were multiple rehearsals and inspections of the equipment prior to mission execution. We cannot speculate on what went wrong until the investigation is complete.”

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