Army answers question about the possibility of a zombie outbreak during COVID-19 pandemic

Two members of US Army Europe Medicine were questioned about a “zombie contingency plan” during a live-stream intended to answer questions about the Coronavirus, and the

Posted to Reddit’s r/Military group, the recording of the live stream was saved for the world to see as two Army healthcare experts attempted to educate the public about the virus, which first broke out in Wuhan, China, last year.

One user, Robert, asked what the Army’s “zombie plan” was.

“Interesting question Sir,” one Soldier answered. “I think Robert is testing to make sure we’re doing this live.”

The two command-level personnel then reassured Robert that multiple contingency plans and other measures were in place to deal with any issue, be it COVID-19 or the zombie apocalypse.

“I appreciate the light-heartedness, but we’re taking all things very, very seriously,” one Soldier said, taking note of the lack of amusement on his comrade’s face.

The video then became blurry and questions were likely moderated more closely afterward.

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