America-hating military dependent advocating mass murder of police and whites

Warning: video contains graphic scenes and language 

Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, is back trolling the internet with her anti-American hate messages.

Around the Fourth of July last year she stirred up a lot of 1st Amendment controversy when she relased her “Sh%t on the Flag” challenge.

She said, “with only $6, you too can help a young Afrikan clean their ass with the rag of oppression!”

Ironically, that “flag of oppression” is one that her mother, uncle, cousins, grandparents and brother have worn on their right sleeve while serving in the United States Army.


Sierra McGrone grew up as a dependent of her mother – giving her all of the benefits entitled to a military child.

Under the protection of the 1st amendment, she has desecrated the United States flag and even called for the mass murder of police and white people alike.

Nocturnus Libertus

She references Caucasians as Yurugus – a Malian term for the entity responsible for disorder in the universe from the want to “gain possession.”

Her hateful message states that Caucasian’s are responsible for the United States’ “imperialistic success.”

She has stretched this ideology to encompass a broad hatred for the U.S. Military, Law Enforcement, and Caucasian Americans alike.

Nocturnus Libertus Blue Lives murder
Screenshot from a video created by Sierra McGrone advocating violence against police.

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