Airman who is finalist in Ms. Vet. America pageant is having trouble getting support

A Pennsylvania US Air Force Reservist has been named a finalist in the 2018 Ms. Veteran America competition, adding one more accolade to her 13 years of service.

Erinn Black of Evans City can now proudly state that she has a deployment and beauty pageant under her belt, although the latter is anything but your traditional show.

“There isn’t a swimsuit portion in the competition…instead we’re doing a push-up competition,” Black said.

The competition is raising money for Final Salute, a charity that seeks to end female veteran homelessness by helping “our Sisters in Arms work towards independence.”

A largely under-addressed issue, female veteran homelessness is a serious problem in the US, with around 55,000 homeless women veterans in the country.

When Black isn’t doing pageants or donning her Air Force tiger stripes, she’s a full-time employee with the VA in the town of Butler.

According to Butler Radio, the Ms. Veteran America semi-finals will be held in June at Arlington National Cemetery, with the finals set for October in the state of California.

Starting a crowd-fund for Final Salute ten days ago, Black has only managed to raise $50 out of $5,000 but no doubt remains hopeful.

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