Air Force offers incentive for those who volunteer for extended deployments

Deployers wait in a personnel deployment function line at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., Feb. 23, 2017. Prior to their departure, each deployer must go through a PDF line, which inspects all of their deployment required paperwork. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Jonathan McElderry)

Airmen, both officers and enlisted, who volunteer for an extended 365-day deployment can apply for one of two assignment options: either an advanced assignment or a two-year deferment from a permanent change of station, if eligible.

“If an Airman signs the notification stating their intent to accept the deployment, they can provide preferences for an advanced assignment, provided they meet the time-on-station requirements, or apply for a return to home station with a two-year PCS deferment,” said Jeff Gatcomb, the 365 Deployment policy program manager at the Air Force Personnel Center.

To qualify for an advanced assignment, Airmen must have at least 24 months TOS as of their projected redeployment date and have at least 36 months TOS before the PCS departure.

Airmen are eligible for short tour credit as long as they complete at least 300 consecutive days on the extended deployment. Officers may also be eligible for joint duty assignment credit if they are working in a joint environment, Gatcomb explained.

Officers who believe their duties qualify for joint credit have a year from their return to formally apply for credit.

To volunteer for an extended deployment, enlisted Airmen should review EQUAL Plus, where positions are normally advertised for at least 10 days. Officers should contact their functional assignment team.

Stay informed on the most current information by visiting the deployment page on myPers or visit the 365-Day Extended Deployments page on the AEF Online website.

For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to myPers. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following these instructions.


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